Why is it that the simplest solution is the last to come to mind ? Why is it that the most complex and convoluted solution seems to be the best fit for any problem. Is it because we think too much or because are not confident in those simple solutions ?
I believe it is because of many reasons (a) we think too much (b) simple solutions require more courage and less guile (c) and lastly simple solutions come to us when we unlearn many of lifes lessons and look back at them with a new and fresh perspective.
Is it any wonder that thinking simple is probably the most uphill task I have ever undertaken. My inspiration comes from conversations from my children and with other young 'uns. Ask them for a solution and they will give you the first thing that comes to their mind. A simple weighing of what's important and what's not. So much to learn...or maybe so much to "unlearn".
I believe it is because of many reasons (a) we think too much (b) simple solutions require more courage and less guile (c) and lastly simple solutions come to us when we unlearn many of lifes lessons and look back at them with a new and fresh perspective.
Is it any wonder that thinking simple is probably the most uphill task I have ever undertaken. My inspiration comes from conversations from my children and with other young 'uns. Ask them for a solution and they will give you the first thing that comes to their mind. A simple weighing of what's important and what's not. So much to learn...or maybe so much to "unlearn".