Friday, November 2, 2012

When do I say "No"..

Adapting to the changing times is a great thing...can someone always be in sync with the changing times ....when can one comfortably say ..I'm done trying to fit in...I am comfortable being who I am.

Why do I often feel that when I try to get comfortable doing the things I love doing and wanting to stay that way will make me miss out on things/experiences that may "supposedly"value add to my so called persona.

Why is it also that I feel guilty about pursuing my interests ?...Is it a burden that is carried by almost every working mom/wife

There is just so much stress around us in the daily tribulations of life. Where is the fine line...

What would I need to do to prioritize between what truly adds value to this stage of my life and that which I do to convince others that I too belong to the "in" crowd.

I believe the first step I should take would be to create a priority list. ( do tell me if I am wrong)..My step by step approach to this would be

Step 1: What are the things I love doing the most
Step 2: How frequently can I indulge in these activities
Step 3: What are my constraints into doing these activities
Step 4: Are these constraints insurmountable?
Step 5: What about me can I reinvent to to make this possible
Step 6: What all am I doing now that I feel compelled into doing
Step 7: What would happen if I stopped doing those ? Would anyone else be affected e.g kids..
Step 8: Pick one thing I would love to pursue and one that I would like to stop doing
Step 9: Go for it...

Looks simple but I bet it's going to be an uphill first to do thing..join a book club..will update on how the other bit goes