Faith or Fatalism...where is the fine line. Just had my eureka moment recently during a discussion with a very interesting and enigmatic lady ...Nimisha's to you for pointing me in the direction which shows the light at the end of the tunnel.
Fatalism is unfortunately what we as south asians have been bred with. In spite of a strong principle enunciated by all religions; which says that " we do our part and God does the rest" we have a tendency to accept bumps or occasional failures as ones destiny and never attempt to overcome it. I equate Fatalism to surrender with a negative overtone.
Faith is also surrender; but the kind that is accompanied with an amazing and blissful peace. Faith means aspire for the best or even better. Know that your conscience says that it is the right thing to do. Work hard towards achieving it. Leave no stone unturned from your part. Annnnd...then..only then...leave it to Him..... Know that your success WILL happen...wait for the when. Your faith should be strong enough to withstand the wait and not question it. It happens when we are ready for it; not when we believe we need it to happen. It does not mean that I feel I am entitled to something and will wait for God to bring it me; It means that I have worked towards this goal and have faith that God bring it to fruition.
It sounds simple...but is it a hard path to follow..ABSOLUTELY. I have started implementing it in little things...everyday things. It is not only a path to self discovery but also a path which I can easily articulate to my girls...
My daily motto has become There is no question of the IF; ...only WHEN
Fatalism is unfortunately what we as south asians have been bred with. In spite of a strong principle enunciated by all religions; which says that " we do our part and God does the rest" we have a tendency to accept bumps or occasional failures as ones destiny and never attempt to overcome it. I equate Fatalism to surrender with a negative overtone.
Faith is also surrender; but the kind that is accompanied with an amazing and blissful peace. Faith means aspire for the best or even better. Know that your conscience says that it is the right thing to do. Work hard towards achieving it. Leave no stone unturned from your part. Annnnd...then..only then...leave it to Him..... Know that your success WILL happen...wait for the when. Your faith should be strong enough to withstand the wait and not question it. It happens when we are ready for it; not when we believe we need it to happen. It does not mean that I feel I am entitled to something and will wait for God to bring it me; It means that I have worked towards this goal and have faith that God bring it to fruition.
It sounds simple...but is it a hard path to follow..ABSOLUTELY. I have started implementing it in little things...everyday things. It is not only a path to self discovery but also a path which I can easily articulate to my girls...
My daily motto has become There is no question of the IF; ...only WHEN